
We are excited to tell you about the new technology we are using at our office to improve your experience. We are continually searching for ways to make your visit more efficient and pleasant, and improve your dental care.

Cone Beam CT X-ray Unit

This is a highly advanced imaging unit that captures, in great detail, a 3D image of the hard and soft tissues. It is also a great tool for gaggers because it is an extraoral imaging device. This advanced imaging allows our doctors to have a very accurate and 3 dimensional view of your teeth, bone, sinuses, TMJ, and other facial structures. The CBCT is used for planning implant placement, diagnosing pathology, and during other treatments like root canal therapy. It also allows us to uncover the source of pain that is otherwise difficult to diagnose, view areas of fractured bone, and diagnose and treat TMJ

Intraoral scanner and 3D printer

We are excited to be able to offer an alternative to traditional dental impressions. This is especially good for people who have a high gag reflex. The combination of the scanner and printer allow us to make more accurate dentures, and fabricate certain appliances more quickly.

Digital Intraoral Xrays

Digital xrays use less radiation than typical film radiographs. They also provide high quality images.

Advanced Monitoring Devices

This is used predominantly on sedation patients; we have top of the line monitors that ensure your safety during the sedation experience. They continually evaluate your blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, and heart rhythm. Your safety is our top priority.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy

Our staff has received special training and purchased unique equipment to improve your healing. PRP is the use of platelet rich plasma, derived from the patient's own blood, to promote healing in various dental and oral surgeries. PRP contains growth factors that influence wound healing, reduce bleeding, and enhance soft tissue and bone regeneration. This is most frequently used in oral surgery like wisdom tooth removal or implant placement. We can also place a bone graft in areas of poor quality bone.

Special anesthetic techniques

Our doctors use various advanced techniques to deliver local anesthetic, including special combinations of anesthetic to maximize your comfort, buffered anesthetics to obtain profound numbess on a "hot" tooth that would otherwise be difficult to numb, and special procedures (like intraosseous injections) to anesthetize patients that have difficulty getting numb. We also use a special compounded topical numbing gel that greatly reduces the discomfort of the injection.